Transition Lavenham
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       Lavenham is England's finest medieval village and has recently decided to begin the process to become a transition town.

The aim is to make Lavenham more self reliant on energy, food and local services thus reducing its carbon footprint. The idea has met with an enthusiastic response from Lavenhams' residents.  

A steering group has been established and working parties have been set up to look at the viability of producing our own local fuel, energy and food. A dialogue with local authorities has also begun with the aim of facilitating energy conservation and generation measures.

The concept of transition is not new and has already been notably pioneered by Totnes in Devon and Lewes  in Sussex. Lavenham is unique however in combining its medieval setting with the most modern of conservation initiatives.

For more information on Transition Lavenham please contact: and see our latest newsletter

  Design by Lavenham photographic Studio Ltd
The Good Food Army